Church Resources

We offer services and resources to church boards, pastors, and churches at large

Resources for Pastors

ABMB offers a wide-variety of resources to support and equip pastors including credentialing, ordination and temporary licensing.

We also operate as a hub for friendship, mutual support, and camaraderie with other like-minded churches and leaders.

Clusters and Connect

Our pastors and leaders across the province meet regularly throughout the year for prayer and support. 

Clusters meet in person in South, (Lethbridge) Central (Calgary) and North (Edmonton) regions. Connect happens online. Contact us to join!

Credentialing Overview 

All pastors serving within an ABMB church are required to be credentialed. A credential-holder is licensed with the Alberta government to officiate wedding and register the marriage with Statistics Alberta. Find out more.

Ordination Principles & Practice

Ordination refers to the recognition by the local church of the credential-holder’s “life calling” to this pastoral ministry. ABMB provides oversight and assistance for the church in this process.

Typically, a pastor will be credentialed for five or more years before ordination is granted. Contact us if you are interested in pursuing ordination.

Temporary Licensing

The conference provides support for pastors from outside of the province who wish to be an “officiant” for a wedding within the province. 

Temporary licensing is typically granted to other MB credential-holders from across Canada. 

A request and reference from church leadership must be provided.

Resources for Churches and Boards

Please contact us for access to workshops, assessments and policy documents.

How Church Boards Get Things Done Right

This 45 min. workshop covers the Five Major Tasks of every board, outlining the distinct differences between management and governance.

APEST Leadership

The APEST™ assessment is an instrument designed to assist your board and staff in finding your ministry style in relation to the philosophy of the fivefold ministry of Ephesians 4. Contact us for this assessment.

A Matter of Balance

Find out how CRA’s Implementation of the Ineligible Individual Rules of the Income Tax Act can affect Christian charities. Learn More

Become a Member Church

Find out how your church could join the ABMB conference. Review the membership process.

AIM Assessments

Assess, evaluate, and re-imagine your church's ministry and effectiveness.

Church Policy & Governance

Contact us for for polices ranging from rental agreements, Safe Place policies, constitutions and bylaws.

Policy of Care, Concern & Conflict

This document sets out the formal procedures where there is a need to address a care or concern, or to work through a conflict, regarding the conduct of a credentialed pastor/leader.

Confession of Faith

Our Confession of Faith of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches can be found here.

Plan to Protect

ABMB is a member of Plan To Protect (PTP). PTP assists churches and camps in the area of safety for children involved in ministry programs. Contact us for more information.

MB Herald Job Postings

Current job postings in the North American evangelical Anabaptist community.

Salary Grid

ABMB offers a suggested salary grid for church boards as they navigate and negotiate salaries for their pastors. Contact us for this document.

Full List of Resources

Haven't found what you're looking for? Download our full list of services
(PDF - 59 KB)