We believe the value of working together as churches is critical in the discipling process. Four ministry priorities define our collective effort in cultivating a community of healthy disciple-making churches and ministries.

Theological and Spiritual Health
Christian leadership requires confidence in what the Bible says and means, leaders who can guide and teach a discipling identity. Our Confession of Faith is our best collective effort of all our Canadian MB churches in discernment of how to understand and live out our faith. ABMB credentials all pastors, providing our churches with theological confidence in their leaders. When a pastor or church seeks clarity on a biblical text or a theological question, our Faith Team offers support. As part of the larger national MB community, the National Faith and Life Team offers position papers and updates to guide us in our spiritual and theological health.

Leadership Development
Discipling people in their walk with God inevitably will grow leaders, and in turn leads to churches that have a discipling culture. ABMB supports our churches by offering encouragement and opportunities for emerging leaders. We partner with churches, Camp Evergreen and various educational institutions such as Columbia Bible College, and MB Seminary in this pursuit. Pastors regularly connect through in-person or online opportunities for professional development and peer coaching (Pastors Clusters/Connect).
Mission Mobilization
Disciple-making churches and ministries deploy leaders into ever-expanding relationships and locations for service in the Kingdom of God. ABMB becomes a “hub” of encouragement, resourcing, networking, and opportunities to work together. Multiply, our national mission agency, provides many opportunities for outreach, locally and globally. Churches are encouraged to work together on projects such as Short-Term Mission trips or engaging in extending their reach at the local level. Starting new ministries or churches is best done in collaboration, and ABMB is committed to serving our churches this way.

Organizational Health
As groups of disciples gather into churches and the movement expands, the need for healthy organizations increases. ABMB offers many supports for boards, administrators, and leaders that increase the effectiveness of their mission. These range from policies, procedures, assessments, governance, and fiduciary resources. When a lead pastor resigns, ABMB can come alongside a church and assist them in the transition. If a church is looking for a policy or “best practice”, we can connect them to good resources. Or if your church is doing staff evaluations or salary reviews, ABMB provides support