When a church is in moving forward with a LEAD PASTORAL candidate, and prior to public announcement, ABMB requires that the potential candidate be interviewed by the Faith Team(credentialing team). In this way, ABMB can partner with the local search team/board/elders in the discernment process. Church leaders are encouraged to be part of this initial interview.
Upon hiring, ABMB requires that all pastoral staff in Alberta Mennonite Brethren churches complete the credentialing process within 18 months of beginning their ministry in an MB Church. This includes all associate pastors, youth pastors, worship pastors, and anyone with a “pastor” title (ministry directors do not have this requirement).
In some instances, individuals seeking employment in a Mennonite Brethren church may be asked for credentialing approval prior to candidating in a congregation.
The typical steps to follow are outlined below.
Credentialing Process
A. Because of the length of these documents, it could take a few months to complete them, and book you in for an interview. If you are planning to follow through with this process, please let us know as soon as you begin your work.
B. Contact the office if you have any questions.
1. Fill out the Intention to Begin Credentialing Form. You will receive an email that will provide you with a link to download the credentialing form. It is in Microsoft Word format so you may complete it on your computer and send it back via email to the ABMB Office. In addition to the Credentialing Questionnaire, other documents are required, the links are below. All of this is explained further in the Credentialing document.
Reference form for Credentialing
Applicant Spousal Reference Form
Code of Personal and Ministry Ethics
A coach will also be assigned to you for assistance in the credentialing process. All documentation must be submitted to the Conference office in full before an appointment will be booked. Once all documents have been received and processed, we will confirm the exact time and place of the interview with you.
2. Attend the interview on time. Please note that, if applicable, your spouse and senior pastor are required to attend the interview with you. Each interview is about 1½-2hours.
3. Once your interview is completed, based on the recommendation of the ABMB Faith Team, you will be credentialed with the Alberta Conference of MB Churches, and licensed with the Government of Alberta.This license will give you the authority to marry within Alberta only, and you will be considered a member of the clergy. If your congregation is interested in going one step further and would like to recommend you for ordination, the moderator will need to send a letter to the Alberta Conference of MB Churches requesting your ordination. This request will be considered and your file will be reviewed. Further instructions will be given.