To give online via credit card, you will be directed to ABMB’s giving page where you can set up a profile and make a one-time or scheduled donations. Please provide your mailing address in your profile in order to receive a donation receipt. You will be able to check your giving history as well.
1. Add Alberta Conference of MB Churches to your list of recipients using as the email address.
2. Security question is not required.
Memo Field:
3. Provide your Full name and mailing address (for CRA tax purposes)
4. Ensure you specify the category you would like your donation to be allocated to.
Due to the ongoing postal strike, please consider sending us an e-transfer in place of a cheque.
If you wish to deliver a cheque our address can be found on our contact page.
Please do not mail cash. Kindly get in touch to make arrangements for cash donations.
We exist to inspire, equip, and resource ABMB leaders and churches for disciple-making ministry and mission.
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