Paul J Loewen - Executive Director
Paul provides visionary and strategic leadership to our conference, encouraging our churches to work together in their discipling ministries. Paul is one of those guys who knows something about a lot of things (or he thinks he does) and who enjoys the variety of churches and people that are part of his role.
He identifies with rural life, city life, and the cultural mosaic of Alberta. His experience in living in five provinces and one US state, along with many ministries such as camp, youth, college, church planting, worship, business, fund-raising, and church transitions, find convergence in this current role. Philosophy, geo-politics, theology, history, agriculture, motorcycles, construction, and renovation are often part of his conversations.
Paul and Melody enjoy hiking and kayaking, skiing, and exploring new sights in the mountains. They have three adult sons, two married with kids. They also run an AirBnB which has provided many wonderful ways of connecting with people from all over the world. And, not to forget, fun things with the grandkids are always on the calendar!

Laurence Hiebert - Conference Minister
Laurence is an encourager to our pastors and churches. Conversations with him will inevitably lead to issues of the day and theology. He is eager to understand people and continue learning. As a former missionary in Japan, Laurence is skilled at navigating cultural nuances. Laurence leads our Faith Team which focuses on credentialing pastors and working through contemporary theological challenges in our churches.
He often talks about the joy of looking after his grand kids, and in his spare time he continues to hone his woodworking skills. He and Leona love travelling to visit friends, connect with those they have served within ministry, or explore new places together.

Rebecca Boschman - Office Administrator
Rebecca is a wonderful gift to our Alberta conference. Her ability to administrate details, research projects, and communicate to our church administers is a huge blessing! Many questions are answered, emails sent, calls made that help our churches do their ministry better.
Rebecca and Darren have a son in college and are close to being empty nesters. Rebecca loves to read, and the perfect vacation involves a stack of novels, mostly silence, and perhaps a few walks, while her husband is out cycling half-way across the province! Darren and Rebecca are actively involved in their church at SunWest, Calgary.